Tier Group orchestrated and oversaw the management and supply of mechanical technicians and electrical engineers to complete a fifty-plot, new build residential housing estate in one of England’s industrial Ports on the Thames Estuary.
Within scope were three apartment blocks consisting of eighteen apartments in total. Tier Group provided a design and build, project management, and material procurement service.
The challenge for our clients was a tight delivery time on a remote site location. The client required trusted, highly skilled workers at the height of COVID lockdown.
Through the rich history of our global operations, Tier Group could supply on-site workers situated locally for maximum efficiency of the project
project scope Breakdown
Full internal mechanical for all plots
Heating and gas
Hot and cold
Core Hole
Full internal electrical for all plots
First fix
Second fix
Street lighting, including concreting
Open Reach Internal Fire Link Cabling
Design & Build:
•Carbon Sensors
•Fan installation
Apartment communal areas, both electrical and mechanical
Rye Field boards
Emergency lighting
Fire alarms